Mind Shifting Academy

Welcome! Mind Shifting Academy is where you will discover the power of Mind Shifting and personal Transformation. This is where you will learn these tools & techniques and take control of the direction of your life.

Are you feeling feel “stuck” in your life? Are you feeling less than confident in the direction your life is taking? Are you dreading the passing of time and the burdens in your life? Are you ready to make change and see what’s on the other side? If so, let’s talk.

At Mind Shifting Academy you will find a holistic path to quantum change, and a path to living your life’s purpose and achieving your goals. You owe this to yourself and it is ABSOLUTELY ATTAINABLE right now! At Mind Shifting Academy you will utilize the tools and techniques in these key areas:

  • Mindset Development & Mastery

  • Habit Transformation

  • Goal Setting and Achievement

  • Time Mastery & Management
  • Fear Mastery & Transformation
  • Timeline Therapy

  • Neuro-linguistic Programming
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Unconscious Mind Development
  • Intuitive Development
  • Fitness Training
  • Nutrition Training

Take your first step in the journey of Mind Shifting and Transformation by scheduling your free discovery session with me, Rick Boiardi, by clicking the link below. To receive my personal evaluation eBook, provide me with your contact information. Congratulations on beginning your transformative journey to achieving your goals and living your life’s purpose!