April 2022

The Only Way Out…Is In

The Only Way Out….Is In The only way out…is in. Truth. The world is where it is right now for a reason. In general people gave up the internal, for the external. Also in general, people were duped into accepting the social programs of the world as one thing, when in reality they are often another. We’re […]

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Your Self Concept:

Your Self Concept: Your self concept: All of your beliefs and generalizations about the world and opportunity are based on your self-concept.  Your perception is your projection. Much of your self-concept is a self image that you developed when dependent on others when younger. It was not reality. It was often dependent and developed by somebody else’s reality. There

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WONDER…don’t forget to SEACRH for it and FEEL it.

WONDER…don’t forget to SEARCH for it and FEEL it. WONDER…don’t forget to search for it and feel it. It can be in the great things or in the smallest thing. Allow your imagination to let loose. This is often when inspiration for world-changing ideas come through. The day to day drudgery is usually when you are

WONDER…don’t forget to SEACRH for it and FEEL it. Read More »

An Effective Mindset…

An Effective Mindset… Mindset… part of adopting an effective mindset for your life is also knowing the “real” story behind the society we live in. The past few years has been an accelerated course in what has previously been behind the scenes, becoming evident publicly. And it’s often terrifying and vicious. The good news is that along

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Zen in the Martial Arts…and in Your Life

Zen in the Martial Arts, and in Your Life… Zen in the Martial Arts, and in your life. I highly recommend this book for men and women who are doing their best to live in their highest values. While the book is based in a martial arts setting, each lesson provide you with an opportunity to develop

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Time…A Precious Commodity

Time…A Precious Commodity Time…a precious commodity. In the world of our conscious minds, tme is linear and we each have 168 hours a week. How we choose to feel during this gift of time, and how we choose to use this time is totally up to ourselves. in the tougher moments, stop and ask yourself how

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Excellent Morning Workout Sets the Tone for the Day!

Excellent Morning Workout Sets the Tone for the Day! Excellent morning workout to set the tone for the day, and also a lifelong habits of health and being centered.Set aside time for your body. In addition to the physical benefits, it sets the tone for the other parts of your life, business/career, passion projects.Exercise, eat

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