June 2022

Wake Up Before You Die…

Wake Up Before you Die… Wake Up Before You Die…. I came across this song this morning on Spotify and I thought the title was apt.The title of this song could lead to anxiety in some people if they feel that they are running out of time or do not have any time. Alternatively, the message […]

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Make the Most of this Great Adventure…

Make the most of this great adventure… Make the most of this great adventure… It’s easy to get physically, mentally and emotionally trapped in today’s world, in the world as it is designed by others and all of the obligations that come with it. Many are not even aware that most of what they believe and

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The Good, Bad and Ugly in Your Life…

The Good, Bad and Ugly in Your Life… The good, bad and ugly in your life… A beneficial mindset to find peace in your life is to accept that there will be good, bad and ugly in your life. Set your goals and do not be afraid to announce to The Universe that you are going to

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The World Needs Your Uniqueness…

The World Needs Your Uniqueness… The world needs your uniqueness. Your greatest gifts are your uniqueness and time. We are a social species. We need each other to survive and to thrive. What prevents the world from becoming a dystopian hive of sameness, is that each of us have inborne talents and strengths which, if not

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Your Unconscious Mind…Live in and Experience the Power of the Universe

Your Subconscious Mind…Live in and Express the Power of the Universe. Your subconscious mind (or unconscious mind) is where you can live in and express the power of the universe. It’s the ultimate source of creation and is the nameless power beyond so may attempts to name and describe it in many organized religions. Yes, we

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Fasting part two…

Fasting part two… Fasting part two…. Here is some additional information. Not everyone will agree about the benefits of fasting. Some will argue the body needs essential minerals and vitamins in the fasting period, and that fasting is causing stress in the body. Proponents will argue that fasting is part of the body’s natural rhythm, design

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Modern Day Warriors…

Modern Day Warriors… Modern Day Warriors…. Looking back, there are examples of truth and spirit warriors, that reach out over time to lift our spirits, and to enable us to act and live in higher levels of truth. The challenges we might experience today when acting and speaking the truth…censorship, ridicule, economic attack, are the same things

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The Benefits of Fasting:

The Benefits of Fasting: The benefits of fasting: While I cannot verify everything in the meme, I can verify many of its benefits through my own experience. I feel much more centered, and better physically and emotionally. I have been eating in an 8-hour window and fasting for 16 hours. It gives my body 8 hours

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Sculpting Your Life…

Sculpting Your Life… Sculpting your life. Creating a “you” and creating humanity. It’s a slow, steady process. And, it’s a process where you feel every swing of the sculpting hammer. It requires bravery, commitment, perseverance and faith. We’re gifted with our presence on Earth. Our gift back is to sculpt a you that is authentic and

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