Fasting part two…

Fasting part two...

Fasting part two….
Here is some additional information. Not everyone will agree about the benefits of fasting. Some will argue the body needs essential minerals and vitamins in the fasting period, and that fasting is causing stress in the body. Proponents will argue that fasting is part of the body’s natural rhythm, design and cycles.
I have adopted fasting at two different times in my life and have enjoyed the benefits of it. I feel cleansed, more centered, calmer. My body feels natural in this state. I feel more connected to the natural cycles of my body and even as part of the planet.
I have been eating within an eight-hour window that complements my daily routine. I have allowed a 16-hour window to fast each day. Sometimes I have had to adjust due to social circumstances, however I can adjust my fasting period accordingly. I have also noticed that I can get back on the program and be plugged right back in naturally. I like this because there is no negative judgement in this program the way I have approached it.
Check out the YouTube videos by Dr. Jason Fung for some professional explanations and advice.