Make the Most of this Great Adventure…

Make the most of this great adventure...

Make the most of this great adventure…
It’s easy to get physically, mentally and emotionally trapped in today’s world, in the world as it is designed by others and all of the obligations that come with it. Many are not even aware that most of what they believe and do was designed by others for their own agenda. Start living according to your own agenda. It doesn’t mean you’re being selfish or a corruptive influence. In fact, it makes the world a better place, because you’re creating options and an example to others to live to their fullest.
You don’t have to be a kid to have adventure in your life. Make it a priority to use your gift of time to do things that you might otherwise write off because you think you “have time” to do it later. Do things that you may perceive of as outside the narrow bandwidth of the game.
Make a promise to yourself to carve out time for your passions and purpose. These are the things your heart calls out for, and you put may put it off or back off from.
Life moves quick! Give up some time every day for some adventure.