Wake Up Before You Die…

Wake Up Before you Die...

Wake Up Before You Die….
I came across this song this morning on Spotify and I thought the title was apt.
The title of this song could lead to anxiety in some people if they feel that they are running out of time or do not have any time. Alternatively, the message can be very freeing.
There are many ways to wake up. One of them is when you realize that you are responsible for everything in your life due to your choices. This takes you out of victim mode and put you into creator mode.
Another way to change your mindset and wake up is when you realize that most of the decisions you made about life were made when you were very young and had no control of your daily life. Typically between birth and age 7, you make many unconscious decisions about life during a period when everyone else controls your life.
When we get older, our life is often controlled by the need to earn an income within the framework of business that the world has developed collectively. We start to wake up even further when we realize we are all trading hours for dollars.
It is at this point when people start to realize they need to wake up before they die. They need to wake up so they can live.
At this point you can choose to add deeper meaning to everything you do in your relationships with people, your career, your health and your passions.
This can be a moment of great awakening!