The Power of your Unconscious Mind, Cause and Effect…

The Power of your Unconscious Mind, Cause and Effect...

The power of your unconscious mind, cause and effect…
95% of the decisions you make, are made unconsciously. They typically stem from decisions and beliefs you made in the first seven years of your life. That is a period where you have no control over your environment or what happens to you.
People tend to spend the rest of their lives making unconscious decisions that were based in this early period, unless… you begin to reprogram your beliefs and decisions.
The unconscious mind likes, and takes direction from the conscious mind. Your conscious mind is needed to analyze the environment you live in on Earth. Your unconscious mind accepts literally what your conscious mind tells it.
Be very careful of your word choices, whether they be internally or vocalized. Are your words on the “cause” side of the equation, or are they on the “effect” side of the equation? Practice becoming aware of your word choices because they have power and your unconscious mind accepts them literally.
I AM responsible.
Things are happening for me.
I make things happen.
I love change.
I AM in control.
There is no “fault” on this side.
Here is where the power to change is.
I AM helpless.
Things are happening to me.
They did it to me.
Why me?
Poor me.
It’s not my fault.
This is the victim side of the equation.
There is no learning on the side of the equation.