Looking for Your True Power?

Looking for Your True Power?

Looking for your true power? It’s there, all the time, in any circumstances.
The power of YOUR unconscious mind is there, making 95% of your decisions, unconsciously. And, it’s making decisions based on beliefs and choices you made in the first seven years of your life when you had no control over your life.
It’s taking in 11 million bits of data per second, which your conscious mind can only handle 40 to 50 bits of data per second. That’s by design, so that you don’t go crazy with overload. That’s .00000455 percent that you can consciously handle. With that limited amount of data, you have to delete, distort and generalize the information you have into some sort of internal representation of your life.
In other words, you’re missing almost all of reality. What that means is, all of the information and perfect responses are there unconsciously. When you learn how to tap into this unlimited wealth of knowledge and power, you become bulletproof and unstoppable.
Stay with me on the journey to uncover this, and use it to make your world better, and to make our world better…