Does this make any difference in your life? If not, it should, because it can change how you perceive your existence and also connect you to the incredible creative potential of the universe which lives inside you.
Linear time, as we perceive it, does not exist. There is just a continuous here and now”. The more you can remove yourself from the trap of linear time, the more you can be in the here and now. The here and now is the only place where you can express your creative powers. You can develop the ability to do this by learning more, becoming aware, and learning how to drop into a meditative state when needed.
That doesn’t mean you become irresponsible and forgo your responsibilities in our daily world. Linear time exist as a societal tool to manage our human interactions.
Prior to the industrial age, humanity lived in agrarian time which was tied to earth’s seasons. Upon reaching the industrial age, time became prioritized and tied to the daily clock due to the need to maximize production hourly. Faster production meant more sales to make more profit. Lenders tied their loans to the clock and days in the form of compound interest obligations. This led to the global consumer economy, all tied to the movements of the clock.
When you begin to understand your unconscious mind, the more you will understand that your true essence lives outside of time. You will know that you’re all powerful and your unconscious mind does not work within linear time at all. The more you can live in the unconscious mind, the more the powers of the universe will work through you.
Learn more from me on how to maximize this potential by scheduling a FREE consultation on my website. Or, PM me.