The Choice is Yours!

The Choice is Yours!

The choice is yours. Not only what path humanity chooses at this critical juncture in human history, but also knowing that you can literally choose which future to move towards.
You may not think your choice has any impact, but it absolutely matters. Think of yourself as a cell in the human body. What happens to the body if you choose complete inactivity, or refuse to react to dis-ease around you?
A cooperative and harmonious world, or a world built on resource control and debt funding for profit?
It doesn’t matter if you have any or all of the answers. What matters is your choice. The how and when we get there is not up to us. That is the result of all of our efforts.
Two calls to action:
Work every day on expressing your unique gift and purpose for being here on earth.
Become active in a group with goals to improve the lives of many.
Don’t agonize over the details of these actions. Trust your instincts and start taking action. The details will fill themselves in. Only later will you be able to look back and connect the dots.