Time Travel. Is it possible? Yes, in a way.

Time Travel! Is it possible? Yes, in a way.

Time travel. Is it possible? Yes, in a way.
In novels and movies, a person uses a device to propel themselves back through time. The changes made in the past, change all the events leading up to the present, so that the person’s world is different.
In a way it is possible to go back in time by revisiting your past events, especially the ones that still trigger you with emotion. What those triggers mean is that you have an event that you still need to process.
When you process that past event by utilizing your more developed emotional maturity, you often see the event from a much higher perspective, and that changes it. You often get out of the victim mode and understand the lesson of that situation. You often see that it was actually an issue with another person or institution that affected you, and that it wasn’t something wrong with you.
This new awareness changes the meanings of many events in your life from that moment forward to the present, and actually out into the future. 
Your entire paradigm can change. Your personality, your view of the world, your impact on the world can all change by traveling back in time emotionally to process past events.
Some people may know this technique as Time Line Therapy.