What will you do with The Gift of Your Existence?

What will you do with The Gift of Your Existence?

What will you do with the gift of your existence?
The gift of your life and the existence of you is an absolute miracle. When you look at your life and life in general from a quantum perspective, it’s almost incomprehensible that you and the rest of us are here. 37 trillion cells all encoded with the power of the universe all making up the you that walks the Earth at this time.
You have the perspective of a separate you, all the while a part of the universal life force with the rest of us.
You have been given this gift for a reason. You do have a responsibility as part of the whole. It’s to understand your unique gift and talents, to refine them and express them in the world. And it’s usually the thing that brings you the most joy and connectedness with the whole.
Yes, we have day to day obligations in the world as we have built it for ourselves. Do your part, however also do your part to express your gift and talents. The world needs it. Don’t hold back!