Appreciate the Beauty around you!

Appreciate the Beauty around you!

Appreciate the beauty around you.
Frequently stop and appreciate the beauty around you. It is unlimited. Take frequent breaks to remind yourself of what you are grateful for.
This is not just some new agey surface emotion language. It has real world applications and never more so than now.
You cannot create when you are buried in fear and unhappy. Like attracts like.
That’s the challenge of our entire planet right now. There are those who have been working for years and years to push us into a complete state of fear and imprisonment, on a global basis. This is the winner take all spiritual battle of our time.
While you have to acknowledge, understand, and accept that the world is where it is right now for a purpose, the way to create something beyond this, and better than this is to choose to appreciate the beauty of our world, and the beauty of the souls of mankind.
Bravely push yourself forward, refining and sharing your gifts with others. Billions of others will do the same thing and we will create a cooperative and harmonious World.