Best of Times….Worst of Times

Best of Times....Worst of Times

Most people that live in the modern era feel that overall, much of society makes sense and there is a lot worth preserving, even with an awareness of so much that goes horribly wrong.
People do their best to be optimistic because after all, looking around, there are a lot of amazing things that we have created. Most people have good hearts and good souls.
Unfortunately while this has been going on, there has been a darkness working in the background, taking control of various aspects of human society step-by-step, and now we find ourselves here where everything seems to be on the precipice of total collapse.
The good news is that people are waking up around the globe, remembering their true power, remembering that their good hearts and souls matter.
Like the trucker convoy in Ottawa, people are remembering and acting upon the fact that good people, when rallied around specific causes, are unstoppable.
It’s time to share your gift. Make this life count!
candace owen