Goal Setting and Achievement

Fasting part two…

Fasting part two… Fasting part two…. Here is some additional information. Not everyone will agree about the benefits of fasting. Some will argue the body needs essential minerals and vitamins in the fasting period, and that fasting is causing stress in the body. Proponents will argue that fasting is part of the body’s natural rhythm, design

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Modern Day Warriors…

Modern Day Warriors… Modern Day Warriors…. Looking back, there are examples of truth and spirit warriors, that reach out over time to lift our spirits, and to enable us to act and live in higher levels of truth. The challenges we might experience today when acting and speaking the truth…censorship, ridicule, economic attack, are the same things

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The Benefits of Fasting:

The Benefits of Fasting: The benefits of fasting: While I cannot verify everything in the meme, I can verify many of its benefits through my own experience. I feel much more centered, and better physically and emotionally. I have been eating in an 8-hour window and fasting for 16 hours. It gives my body 8 hours

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Sculpting Your Life…

Sculpting Your Life… Sculpting your life. Creating a “you” and creating humanity. It’s a slow, steady process. And, it’s a process where you feel every swing of the sculpting hammer. It requires bravery, commitment, perseverance and faith. We’re gifted with our presence on Earth. Our gift back is to sculpt a you that is authentic and

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Do you Feel Stuck?

Do you Feel Stuck? Do you feel stuck? That you can’t or won’t get out of your perceived trap? Even if your life appears to be running smoothly, you can still feel stuck. Sometimes you have to remember to challenge yourself with something new. People are often reluctant to embrace change or risk. A key to

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What will you do with The Gift of Your Existence?

What will you do with The Gift of Your Existence? What will you do with the gift of your existence? The gift of your life and the existence of you is an absolute miracle. When you look at your life and life in general from a quantum perspective, it’s almost incomprehensible that you and the rest

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Making Great Decisions….

Making Great Decisions… Making GREAT decisions: Sometimes you get stuck in making a decision. What to do? Is there a way to move out of this stuck state into a state of calm confidence? There is! Evaluate your present state vs. a time when you were in a desired state and you had made a great decision. Pay

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Compliments! Compliments! Yes, it’s nice to be complimented, even if it’s by some bread. Know that the most effective compliments are the ones you give yourself. That is because your unconscious mind believes EVERYTHING you tell it, either out loud or internally. Words and thoughts have creative power. Begin to notice your words and thoughts. Change them up

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This is Truth…Signs!

This is Truth…Signs! This is truth: When you achieve the mindset that everything that happens in your life is due to YOUR choices, you leave the victim mode behind and start the journey of creating with full awareness. When YOU CHOOSE your next goal or journey, you will see signs appearing all around you, so much so

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