The Mind Shifting Academy Tribe

“You are a Slave Neo.”

“You are a Slave Neo.” “You are a slave Neo.”I’m sure all of us have felt that at times.What if the opposite is true?If it is, and IT IS, you have the FREEDOM to decide to create according to your highest values at any time. Does that mean no one is trying to decide for […]

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2023, it’s Time to Bring Out The Tiger in you…

2023, it’s Time to Bring Out the Tiger Spirit in you… A hunter, powerful, tenacious, confident… Tempestuous yet calm, warm-hearted yet fearsome, and courageous in the face of danger. There’s no hiding from the fact that all of our human institutions, whether cherished or despised, are either on the brink of breaking down or feel like they

2023, it’s Time to Bring Out The Tiger in you… Read More »


TIME DOESN’T EXIST…CLOCKS EXIST TIME DOESN’T EXIST…CLOCKS EXIST Does this make any difference in your life? If not, it should, because it can change how you perceive your existence and also connect you to the incredible creative potential of the universe which lives inside you. Linear time, as we perceive it, does not exist. There is just


GRATITUDE…improve your life today

GRATITUDE…improve your life today GRATITUDE it’s a place where you can begin to change your life for the better. At least once per day, stop everything you are doing and vocalize the things you are grateful for. What that will do is to bring you into the here and now, infuse you with universal energy and

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“Attached to Nothing. Connected to Everything.”

“Attached to Nothing. Connected to Everything.” “Attached to nothing. Connected to everything.” It’s a difficult path to walk. Loving things openly and fully, being in the here and now, experiencing what you love yet letting it travel it’s own path. Attachment can be selfish. It’s hard to see the fine distinction between being attached or connected. One

“Attached to Nothing. Connected to Everything.” Read More »

Is there a way to find peace and purpose, to get back on track when you’re feeling stuck?

Is there a way to find peace and purpose, to get back on track when you’re feeling stuck? There is! And, it’s never too late, you’re never too old, you’re never too trapped in your current situation. The journey begins at birth, and some say it begins before birth. Some say the journey continues on beyond

Is there a way to find peace and purpose, to get back on track when you’re feeling stuck? Read More »

Use Your Energy to Create or React…

Use Your Energy to Create or React… You can use your energy to create or react. It’s always your choice. You can transmute your energy by your intention, focus and actions. Understanding the nature of energy within you and without you is the key to becoming a creator. The pool of energy in The Universe if fixed.

Use Your Energy to Create or React… Read More »

Replace the word “Fear” with the word “Unknown”.

Replace the word “Fear” with the word “Unknown”… Replace the word “fear” with the word “unknown” and gain momentum towards your goals. “Fear” is the emotional state often brought on by the “unknown”. Realizing that fear is simply an emotional reaction to something unknown that is out ahead of you, and the fear can dissolve. And what

Replace the word “Fear” with the word “Unknown”. Read More »

Connecting the Dots…

Connecting the Dots… Connecting The Dots…A lot of people are struggling in todays world to feel like the dots connect. Now, more than ever, it’s a time to have faith that something much GREATER than we can often perceive, is managing this on a cosmic scale.What do you do? Take constant and consistent action steps

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EVERYONE needs a coach….

EVERYONE needs a coach… EVERYONE needs a coach at some time(s) in their life. You might feel stuck and unsatisfied in your life. You might feel that you can’t or won’t get out of your PERCEIVED trap, that time is slipping away, and you might not live your life’s purpose or achieve your goals. EVERYONE has those

EVERYONE needs a coach…. Read More »