The Mind Shifting Academy Tribe

Appreciate the Astonishing Beauty Around You

APPRECIATE THE ASTONISHING BEAUTY AROUND YOU Don’t forget to stop, look around and enjoy the beauty in this world….I took this photo in Shinjuku Station in Tokyo, Aug 2019.Despite the world situation, there still is an astonishing amount of beauty in the world.The more you stop and appreciate it, the happier you are, and that

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Plant Seeds in The Subconscious…with Patience

PLANT SEEDS IN THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND…WITH PATIENCE! Have you wondered why so many are resistant to new uncovered truths, to awakening to new realities?It’s because others have been planting seeds in your subconscious mind your entire life…through media, through advertising, through the big religions, through government propaganda and schools.With global society being challenged, it’s very

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Getting Back on the Merry-Go-Round of Life

Getting Back on the Merry-Go-Round of Life Has the unsettling world of Covid had you afraid to re-engage with daily life? Here are four life hacks that will help you get back on the merry-go-round of life and enjoy the ride! Watch the video on my YouTube channel (link below) to help my channel grow,

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