DESIRE….Isn’t Getting You There?

DESIRE....Isn't Getting You There?

Why? What to do?

Desire is an emotional state. It’s often based on lack and is an anxious state. For example, we desire to look attractive, and it’s based on feeling unattractive. We desire to be wealthy, and it’s based on anxiety over meeting our basic needs.

Our unconscious minds only recognize our state of feeling unattractive or feeling the lack of wealth. Our unconscious mind gives us exactly what we focus on. In these states, desire will NEVER get us to where we want to go.

Okay, so how do we use the power of the unconscious mind to get there?

Our unconscious mind responds to what we focus on and what we move towards.
Choose a date. Choose a very specific thing you are at that time or have at that time. For example, “It is now March 30, 2024. I weigh 155 pounds.” “It is now January 19, 2028. My company is fully developed and earns $200k revenue per year.
Set the specific intention with a time stamp, and then start the journey towards it, enjoying the process. Trust that the processes will reveal themselves as you move forward.