Do you Feel Stuck?

Do you Feel Stuck?

Do you feel stuck? That you can’t or won’t get out of your perceived trap?
Even if your life appears to be running smoothly, you can still feel stuck. Sometimes you have to remember to challenge yourself with something new. People are often reluctant to embrace change or risk. A key to breaking out is NOT to wait until you feel better to start something new. Start NOW and the good feelings will come.
If you’re feeling stuck, chances are it’s not your entire life that is stuck. Good deep into the various areas of your life to find the source. Ask questions such as:
What assumptions about your life are you making that are keeping you stuck?
Are you making any limiting decisions that are holding you back?
Do you have any limiting beliefs?
Write down your findings in a journal. That will help you to slow down your thought processes and find clarity.
Ask yourself what are your personal values in these areas that you want to develop. It’s the “why” behind the goal you want to achieve.
There’s a lot to this, however you can start the journey forward with these key life cues. If you need help, reach out to me