Making Great Decisions….

Making Great Decisions...

Making GREAT decisions:
Sometimes you get stuck in making a decision. What to do? Is there a way to move out of this stuck state into a state of calm confidence?
There is! Evaluate your present state vs. a time when you were in a desired state and you had made a great decision.
Pay attention to the small details between the two states. What did you see when in the two states? Hear? Feel? Go back to that desired state and live in it, evaluate it. Pay attention to the smallest details when in that state. How were you feeling at that time? What emotions? Calm? Centered? What thoughts? Optimistic? Skeptical? What were you hearing? What were you seeing around you?
The point is to get out of the monkey mind state you’re in now and bring your unconscious and conscious minds back to the state when you were in free flow. By looking back you can pinpoint the ways you’re stuck now by contrast, and choose to change your state.
Yes, you need to consciously evaluate the worldly factors involved in the new decision, however it’s your unconscious mind and feelings that will show you the way to an optimal state where you can make a decision in line with your values.