Modern Day Warriors…

Modern Day Warriors...

Modern Day Warriors….
Looking back, there are examples of truth and spirit warriors, that reach out over time to lift our spirits, and to enable us to act and live in higher levels of truth.
The challenges we might experience today when acting and speaking the truth…censorship, ridicule, economic attack, are the same things others have experienced through history. It seems as if the only thing that has changed in this constant struggle is the technology.
It’s often hard to get your mind around the complexity of the constant stream of threatening news, and to make sense of our world. Maybe, we have to accept that we can’t fully know what’s going on right now, or more importantly, “why” it’s going on?
What you can do is bring out and live in the warrior spirit. That doesn’t mean you have to be loud and constantly throwing yourself against whatever injustice hits you the hardest, although there is a time and place for that.
What you can do is accept that you’re here for a reason, that your strengths will help the tribe. Like any tribe, it’s success is built upon its members each doing the thing they’re best at.
Most people are good and loving. Most people want to create a more just and sustainable society. Each person being the best spirit warrior they can be, and a billion people doing the same becomes an unstoppable force.