Plant Seeds in The Subconscious…with Patience


Have you wondered why so many are resistant to new uncovered truths, to awakening to new realities?
It’s because others have been planting seeds in your subconscious mind your entire life…through media, through advertising, through the big religions, through government propaganda and schools.
With global society being challenged, it’s very important to understand that what you thought was “real” may have been an agenda all along. An agenda designed by others for others.
The good news is that this works both ways. People are waking up all over the globe. The historical narrative is being exposed at the same time it is being challenged. More and more are willing to listen.
As for the ones who violently resist the idea that reality can be anything other than what the media and those in power tell them, keep planting those subconscious seeds of truth as well as opportunity.
The subconscious mind sees all and records all. When millions of us speak truths that can be uncomfortable and share new opportunity for something better, those seeds get planted around the globe. Keep planting and be patient.