Gretzky Take the Shot

What can The Godfathers (80’s UK punk band) and Wayne Gretzky (The Great One) teach us?

What can these seemingly very different people and places teach you? One lesson is that very different roads can bring you to the same place. Another lesson is that your time here on Earth is precious…do the thing you’re called here to do!

The message of The Godfathers in their 80’s classic UK punk song “Birth…School…Work…Death” was a warning. Unless you decide to do something extraordinary with your life, life can drag you kicking and screaming through a narrowly defined life cycle of birth…school…work…death. It’s a terrifying thought. You’re here for a reason. Take that shot at doing the thing you absolutely love! If not now, when? Don’t just be a statistic.

That brings us to The Great One, Wayne Gretzky. What he said was “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”. It’s a sports metaphor that has very strong implications in life. Imagine what your life would be if at those key moments, you never took a chance? Riding a bike, singing out loud, public speaking, starting a new career, asking someone out on a date. You know what I mean. This lesson should resonate more than ever these days. A lot has changed, and our way of life is being threatened. There are some that believe you came into this life for a purpose. Don’t squander it! Magic happens on the other side of your comfort zone…take the shot!