Trust The Universe

Trust The Universe

Trust The Universe.

It’s a key understanding that many of us are blinded to in today’s world. It’s understandable that we forget this. The news we get is an unending tidal wave of daily horrors.

Trust The Universe.

It’s very hard for most people to contemplate that The Universe works on a universal scale. The Universe did not create us or our world to be the failure we think we are as an individual and as a species.

Consider that on our human scale, we perceive our world falling apart. It’s a one-way ticket to hell, right? How can it not be? Corrupt governments, central banks, engineered horrors for profit, war, the 1% vs. the 99%, gender war, abortion war, etc.

Trust The Universe.

This is all breaking down because it’s time to move upward to a higher level of existence. Note that all around you people are waking up. We are not accepting the old narrative anymore. One by one, people are not listening to the 1% owned media anymore.

I have been continually reinforcing that we all need to recognize the need for action, and then take consistent action toward our goals. This is true. Nothing is created without the energy action creates.

We also need to acknowledge and accept that The Universe knows what it is doing. Do your part. A very good friend of mine says “have dumb faith”. I think it’s a funny way to say it, however the message is correct. I prefer to say, “have calm and centered faith, while doing your part in the world”.