Use Your Energy to Create or React…

Use Your Energy to Create or React...

You can use your energy to create or react. It’s always your choice. You can transmute your energy by your intention, focus and actions.
Understanding the nature of energy within you and without you is the key to becoming a creator.
The pool of energy in The Universe if fixed. Decisions are made on how to use it and what to create.
This understanding can be applied to the smaller immediate life around you, and also to the bigger macro world you reside in. All you can control are your micro creations, including how you respond.
The energetic creations of others may seem overwhelming at times. Our world is being shaken up by large organizations reacting to a world population that is waking up to their individual and collective power. It may look hopeless, however, like in childbirth, there is a lot of disruption and pain in the process.
Keep deciding on your creations. Good people will latch on to positive, life affirming, cooperative creations, In turn, they will be prompted in that direction as well. A new world is necessary right now. It is right there waiting for us to build it.
Choose how you use your energy.