What is the missing ingredient to getting your mojo back? It’s ACTION!

What is the missing ingredient to getting your mojo back? It’s ACTION!

Do you feel stuck? Do you feel that “this is it” for the rest of your life?

What is the missing ingredient to getting your mojo back? It’s ACTION!

It happens to the best of us. Your days are filled with obligations, and you feel that all you do is respond emotionally. Some “other” has control.

Recognizing this is a start. There’s a way to change it up immediately and re-create momentum.

It’s by deciding to act every day, continually, consistently.

You may not even be clear about the end goal. That’s okay. Start walking towards what you feel is your goal. While you’re taking steps you can clarify your goal.

Decide that you are going to define your goals and keep taking action towards them for however long you are blessed with life among us.

Action engages the power of The Universe to move events to co-create your goals. Your job is to take the continual and consistent small steps. The Universe takes care of the big picture.